Internally, we have a working group tasked with unpicking the changes and applying that to risk profiling
and pricing. Most importantly, we continue to look at ways in which we can continue to support all law
firms to provide clients with access to justice.
We are once again extremely grateful to have contributions to this issue from some industry experts,
who will also be joining us on 9th October at 12pm for a lunchtime webinar. Perfect lunchtime viewing!
Our events are fully inclusive; everyone is welcome, you only need to register on the link below to receive
an invitation. There will also be an option to ask a question which the panel will answer on the day.
In the meantime, I hope that our second edition of EvaluATE offers some insight on what is a challenging
and ever-evolving topic. Please contact us if you have any questions about the articles or the issues raised.
Join our Fixed Costs Webinar - 9th October, 12pm
Click to sign up...
EvaluATE | Issue 2